
Showing posts from September, 2017

And the Blue ribbon award goes tooooooo.....

Yes, you guessed it, our own awesome Effy.......Yay....... Effy is always there for us, getting it all done and wrangling those ducks in lovely rows, no matter what the universe throws at her...... yes, she is definitely the Queen of getting shit done, and I only hope when I grow up I can be like her, even just a little bit would be nice......there are many an unwrangled duck in my world, and boy are they noisey! When I saw these pins I knew where the top blue ribbon belonged, so now there is one on the way across the sea with lots of love to "our Queen". May you wear it with pride Effy. As we near the end of blogging everyday in Sep with Effy, I just wanted to pop in and say thank you to Effy for giving us the nudge, and also well done to all who have are all awesome! I enjoy reading your words, thank you for sharing them, and I hope to continue to follow many blogs. I may even write a few more posts myself, so stay tuned. I am going to try and put...

Karma... we need to talk .....please

Ok, this is a blogging with Effy post, but I maybe a wee bit off track as far as days go, but hey , I am still here. So a big "please forgive me" for being slack in replying to your comments......thank you for posting them, I will get there, and the fact that you have dropped by to read this crazy persons little corner of the blog world has really surprised me! I did not expect this, but it is just wonderful all the same, sending hugs to all.  Now ....down to the actual post part....   TODAY’S NUDGE: What is something you struggle with? What battles are you fighting that most people know nothing about? What’s something about you or your life that makes you feel weird, or different, or isolated?  Something I have been struggling with for a long while is the whole karma please don't get stressed about that statement......deep breathing everyone, I will explain ...  I am a huge believer in karma, this is what I believe it means...yes I know this i...

Day 4 blogging with Effy in September

Today’s Nudge: What really stresses you out, and how to do take care of yourself when you’re in the midst of *waves at all that*. What really stresses me out...well at the moment that's an easy one.....Blogger!  Have been trying to add bits to my new blog and geeeeeeze, ....... I used up all my time on trying to do stuff yesterday, so no time for my post,.....yes, very sad I know, promise I will make up for it....lucky you ;p I watched lots of Blogger 101 videos but somehow things did not do what they were supposed to do......I did get a Effy button (and there was much rejoicing), but couldn't move it. So, in the end I consulted #1 son, the font of all knowledge of the interwebs, who promptly said, "oh it doesn't work properly on the iPad, need to set everything up on the laptop" ........geeeze..... needless to say, I do not have a computer or functioning laptop, just the trusty iPad,.......yep, feeling stressed about now, but you will find my Effy button ...
               Day 3 blogging with Effy....... NO, you can't do that.......oh yes I CAN.... Effy's nudge today : Write about something you used to believe that you no longer believe and how that shift in belief has changed things for you. Like many of us, I grew up in a very strict household, where fear was a major player in our discipline, and hence a huge hurdle for my brother and I throughout our lives...I am sure many of you understand this completely.....  sigh....... sucks big time I remember literally trembling in my shoes when I heard ...... NO! you can't _____  that....... please insert any of the following ; say,  do,  wear,  see that person,  go out to,  read,  act like, etc, etc,  and please feel free to add to the list. It became clear that if I ventured out of these guidelines, I would be punished not only at home but the world outside would react and come down on top of me as well....
Day 2 of  blogging with Effy in September.. What do you really want? After reading our group blogs, I see many of us are in agreement of wanting a peaceful life and world, with unconditional love and acceptance of each other and respect for our poor suffering planet and all it holds......air, water, plants, minerals, critters large and small.......everything. My heart aches continually for these things, it is just so very overwhelming. With all this in mind, I am often drawn to one of my all time favourite songs, Imagine, by John Lennon......and we can follow that up with, Across the Universe, by the same peace loving poet. Sometimes loosing oneself in song eases the heart .... it does for me, even though I feel so useless in this worrying world. On a more very personal note...... what I really want is to go for a brisk know, the type where you feel the wind on your face,  hear your feet crunching leaves on the path...the type that fills you with happy endorph... we go, This is my first blog eveeerrrr, yes I know, what rock have I been hiding under? There is a lengthy answer to this, but I won't bore you with it now..... hey, that gives you something to look forward to further down the track in my blogging experience. So, please treat me gently, I know my blog looks crap and my words are not beautiful and flowing, but I knew if started fussing about it I would never get this out into the world......not that I expect anyone to read it :) Thank you gorgeous Effy for giving me the push I needed to get started. I am hoping with each post I will improve with getting the words to flow and also the mechanics of the whole blog thingy, like how to put up Effy's button and hopefully make my blog look gorgeous......please don't hold your breath though. I am a little behind in starting the blog every day in September, but only 1 day....Yay! That is easily fixed, here is hoping I get through the month, it is a huge challenge fo...